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What are the ways to learn German online? Tips to learn German online for free You need the Learn German language app first and foremost in order to achieve the desired goal, which is to reach an advanced level in language learning, spelling and writing.

Learn German language app

Practice first Of course, learning German through websites and apps is good, but it is necessary to practice first and foremost. Also, practice is one of the most important rules for learning any language to know the correct spelling and usage.

You should also schedule yourself to familiarize yourself with the latest terms that are useful in your daily life. Also, do some different activities that force you to learn German in an indirect way.

Learn German language app

Learn German Grammar

In second place among the German language learning tips comes familiarization with vocabulary and grammar. Also learn about new vocabulary and how to enter it correctly into useful sentences.

You should also try to identify the most prominent vocabulary in several areas so that you are as familiar as possible.

Read and listen from Learn German language app

One of the tips for learning German is to read and then listen to the channels and music. Also, reading skills are acquired by simply watching TV and getting to know the correct pronunciation of different words.

You should also improve your language skills through the websites we provide to you. Also, it is better to have a good dictionary to look up the meanings of words in case you wish, or to use a German translator on your mobile phone.

Continuity of study from the Learn German language app

You do not have to stop at a certain point in studying German. Therefore, one of the tips that we also give you is to make a regular time plan to reach a distinct stage of language learning.

Write and learn new words and work with the dictionary

The foreign language student’s dictionary is the main auxiliary factor in learning German. There are many online services that provide the ability to translate words from one language to another for free: Yandex translators, Google, Multitran, Linguee, Prompt and others.

Also, at more advanced stages of study, it is worth using mainly monolingual explanatory dictionaries, for example, Duden and Cambridge, and not trying to translate every word into your native language.

But try to explain unfamiliar words in foreign languages ​​using synonyms, phrases, antonyms and whole sentences – so it will be easier to remember the words and fix them in memory. There are also many mnemonics, some of which we have written about previously.

Learn German with Learn German language app

Do not memorize words individually, alphabetically, or in no particular order! Words must be kept in context, as they are used in speech. For example, you can memorize words in a sentence. Put three or better sentences for each new word. Then this word will definitely never be forgotten. Additionally, keeping words in context means:

  1. Learn other words related to the same thematic series: for example, colors, clothes, and animal names to learn together.
  2. Learn the derivatives of these words and other forms, for example: malen – der Maler – die Malerei, der Mensch – Menschlich – die Menschheit, etc.

Learn German language app by combining tips

It is important to pay attention to different aspects of speech: not only read, but also speak, not only listen to the text, but also write down its summary, ask questions. There is no one universal technology that fits all. Learning German or any foreign language is a very individual process, it depends on age, abilities, native language communication skills, motivation, hard work and many other factors.

Also find your own style, such as watching movies in original books or reading books, and in addition to that, use other methods too – use word memory apps, chat with native speakers on social media, or at least read posts and articles they write etc.
